Thursday, August 30, 2007


*singsongy* I AM SO HAPPY I AM SO HAPPY I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess why?

1. My mom is getting me an electric guitar!!!! And it shipped today!!!! and
2. My Amazon order (placed in my mom's account) is already on its way over!!!!

I have been waiting so long for both packages!!! Well, no, not really, I'm just so excited about it that it seems like it's been a long time but it really hasn't.

*singsongy* HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


P.S. This is really short compared to my other posts...... it feels weird writing so little!!!


Nick said...

I gotta ask, What kind of guitar? What finish (color)? Etc....

PotterLover said...

Ibanez is all i remember at the moment... sorry

The Fangirl said...

Holy cow! An electric guitar? THAT'S SO COOL! You need to release a CD or something then!

PotterLover said...

i do? a CD? not until i start PLAYING and all...